
Smithsonian e Discovery Institute

The James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) has offered the Smithsonian $20,000 to not show a Discovery Institute's film on intelligent design. Another condition of the offer is that the Smithsonian not accept the $16,000 donation from the religious folks in Seattle. An article about the Smithsonian's pact with the devil appeared in The New York Times.

Randi writes in an update of his latest newsletter:

Please send an e-mail to giving@si.edu addressed to Mr. Randall Kremer, Public Affairs. Tell him of your concern over this situation. And, you might add that the JREF is willing to donate $20,000 to the Smithsonian Institution if they agree to give back the "Discovery Institute" $16,000 and decline to sponsor the showing of the film. And the JREF will not require the Smithsonian to run any films or propaganda that favor our point of view...

(fonte: http://skepdic.com/refuge/funk45.html#randi )